Teresa De Jesus Fidalgo Fonseca
Co-Coordinator Division 1
Vila Real, Portugal


Teresa Fidalgo Fonseca holds a Ph.D. in Forest Sciences from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD, Portugal). She is a professor at UTAD and a researcher at the Centre for Research and Technology in Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences. 

Her academic activities include courses in biometrics, forest inventory and adaptive management. She supervises post-doctoral, doctoral and masters students and is responsible for academic courses at UTAD. She is also a modeller within the CAPSIS community - computer-aided projection of strategies in silviculture - at INRAE (France). She conducts research in the scientific fields of her specialisation, participates in research projects and is the author of scientific and technical publications with national and international dissemination. She is committed to justice, equity and inclusion and recognises the transformative power of higher education, research and networking.

She joined IUFRO in 2007 and is currently the Co-Coordinator of IUFRO Division 1 - Silviculture.

IUFRO Functions

Co-Coordinator Division 1 – 1.00.00 Silviculture
Co-Coordinator Division 1 – IUFRO Board
Co-Coordinator Division 1 – IUFRO Enlarged Board