Franka Brüchert
Co-Coordinator Division 5
Freiburg I. Br., Germany


Franka holds a MSc and a PhD in Biology from Freiburg University in Germany with a focus on ecology and plant biomechanics. 

Since 2005 she works a Senior Research Scientist at FVA Baden-Württemberg, the federal Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, in the Department of Forest Utilisation. Her research interests cover the different aspects of wood science, wood technology, non-destructive testing, and wood quality (in particular related to silviculture). Special focus of her research is NDT characterisation of wood using x-ray technology such as CT computed tomography on roundwood.

IUFRO Functions

Co-Coordinator Division 5 – 5.00.00 Forest Products
Co-Coordinator Division 5 – IUFRO Board
Co-Coordinator Division 5 – IUFRO Enlarged Board