Sven Günter
Deputy Coordinator Division 1
Hamburg-Bergedorf, Germany


Sven Günter holds a PhD in tropical silviculture at University Göttingen and a professorship qualification at Technical University of Munich. He gained more than 25 years of professional experience of sustainable forest management, forest landscape restoration and livelihood improvement in tropical forest landscapes. After working more than 10 years in different positions in Ecuador, Bolivia and Costa Rica he was appointed to the position as head of the Section Forestry Worldwide at the Thünen-Institute of Forestry in Hamburg, Germany. He is strongly engaged in conducting empirical research projects across the tropics and contributing to science-policy advice. 

More info under the following link: 
Thünen-Institut: PD Dr. Sven Günter (

IUFRO Functions

Deputy Coordinator Division 1 – IUFRO Enlarged Board
Deputy Coordinator Division 1 – 1.00.00 Silviculture
Deputy Coordinator – 1.02.03 Ecology and silviculture of dry forests in the tropics