João Azevedo
Deputy Coordinator Division 8
Braganca, Portugal


João C. Azevedo is a Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) and a Researcher at Mountain Research Centre (CIMO) and Associate Laboratory for Sustainability and Technology in Mountains Regions (SusTEC), in Portugal, and UNESCO Chair "Water and Peace" (UNED/URJC), in Spain. 

His research is directed to forest landscape ecology, sustainability and resilience in forested landscapes, ecosystem services in changing landscapes, and mountain sustainability. 

João is Deputy Coordinator of the IUFRO Division 8 (Forest Environment) and chair of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Party (Unit 8.01.02). In Portugal he is vice-president of the Portuguese Society of Forest Science.

João holds a BS degree in Forest Engineering from UTAD, Portugal, and MSc and PhD degrees in Forestry from Texas A&M University, USA.

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IUFRO Functions

Deputy Coordinator Division 8 – 8.00.00 Forest Environment
Deputy Coordinator Division 8 – IUFRO Enlarged Board
Coordinator – 8.01.02 Landscape ecology