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Ida Wallin conducts research on forest policy and governance, focusing on participatory processes, knowledge co-production, media communications, and social practices related to forests. She has in different research projects examined how forestry practices and policy interact and how certain forest uses are prioritized by current structures.
Wallin has done research on the topics of forest-based bioeconomy, multiple-use forestry and integrated forest management in a European context.
Within IUFRO she initiated and now coordinates the Working Party 9.01.07 about Forests and the Media. Together with Dr. Todora Rogelja and Prof. Stephen Wyatt she coordinated the development of the ForGEDI Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in forestry and forest-related sectors that was an output from the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality. More information about education, research interests, past and current projects is available on the website of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).