Junwei Luan
Deputy Coordinator Division 8
Beijing, Chaoyang District, China


Dr. Junwei Luan (栾军伟) is a professor of International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR) and leads a research group of Forest Ecosystem Structure and Function (FESF), he serves as deputy director of Tropical Forest Plant Institute. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Ecology at Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) in 2010. He has since broadened his research expertise to ecosystem carbon process in Tibetan meadow (CAF, assistant professor, 2010-2013) and in boreal peatland ecosystems in Canada (Memorial University of Newfoundland, postdoctoral fellow, 2013-2016) before join in ICBR. Visiting Professor of McGill University (2018) and University of Alberta (2018). 

He has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers focusing on ecosystem processes and function in relation with biodiversity, disturbances and climate change. He serves as the editor board of the journal Forest Ecosystems

Google Scholar:   http://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=qUxbAO0AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

Research gate:     http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junwei_Luan

IUFRO Functions

Deputy Coordinator Division 8 – 8.00.00 Forest Environment
Deputy Coordinator Division 8 – IUFRO Enlarged Board
Deputy Coordinator – 1.10.00 Long‐term research on forest ecosystem management
Coordinator – 8.01.03 Forest soils and nutrient cycles