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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
IUFRO-SPDC produces and markets training manuals and self-teaching materials to support forestry research in developing countries.
Hard copies may be ordered from IUFRO-SPDC (spdc(at), and, if ordered in small quantities, are free of charge for scientists from IUFRO Member Organizations in developing countries (we only charge postage costs).
Nature-based concepts have been embraced by different scientific disciplines and operationalized by practitioners in different ecological, social and historic contexts. Rewilding and Forest Landscape Restoration
Forest landscape restoration is widely recognised as a continuous process that requires considerable time to lead to visible results that impact people’s livelihoods and well-being.
The need for large-scale forest landscape restoration has been increasingly recognised, with significant political support globally and locally. Considerable effort has been devoted globally to
Large-scale restoration initiatives are underway to counter global loss and degradation of the world's forests. These include the Bonn Challenge (150 million ha by 2020),
Drawing on state-of-the art scientific knowledge through analysis of restoration case studies and review of scientific literature, IUFRO scientists developed a framework to demonstrate how
The latest update on teak resources and markets was carried out with the support of IUFRO's network of scientists and TEAKNET experts. It shows that
Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) is one of the most valuable tropical hardwoods of the world. Together with other highgrade hardwoods such as mahogany and rosewood,
This manual is primarily intended for use by forest scientists who want to communicate their research results to various forest stakeholder groups including the public
Communicating about science in the setting of a forest, grove of trees, or chaparral can bring people with very different experiences together in unexpected and,
This Manual was developed by Professor C. Patrick Reid of the University of Arizona, USA, in 1999, for the purpose of being used as a
La version originale anglaise de ce manuel de l’IUFRO-SPDC, préparée par le Dr. C. P. Patrick Reid et publiée début 2000, a eu beaucoup de
Este manual de IUFRO-SPDC, escrito por el Dr. C. P. Patrick Reid y publicado por primera vez en inglés a principios del año 2000, ha