Become a member
Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
Participation in IUFRO events
Financial assistance is provided for participation in scientific meetings and conferences organized by IUFRO’s Divisions, Task Forces, and Special Programmes and Projects. Applications for support can be submitted to IUFRO-SPDC throughout the year.
Scientific Visits
A limited number of small grants for Scientific Visits are offered to early career forest scientists affiliated with IUFRO member organizations to visit a forest research organization abroad for up to three months. Calls for applications are published from time to time.
The Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP) is designed to provide forest scientists from economically disadvantaged countries with financial assistance for IUFRO Event participation and Scientific Visits. All SAP support is directed to in-service forest scientists working at national or sub-national institutions of research and higher education in economically disadvantaged countries that are in one way or another involved in forest- and tree-related research and academic training programmes. Find the countries eligible for SAP here. Please note that we have to plan for the financial support a considerable time ahead so we appreciate an early request, at least 3 months in advance. For further information please feel welcome to contact us at spdc(at)
Currently there are no calls for applications or expressions of interest - please keep checking our website for upcoming calls!