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This project aims at an independent scientific exploration of efforts contributing to forest landscape restoration (FLR) in selected landscapes in nine Bonn Challenge countries, three each in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Within those landscapes, a series of questions was addressed, thus providing a snapshot on the current state: who is involved? what actions are taken? what is working? what is not working? what has been achieved? what policies are supporting or hindering implementation? what has been learnt to date? and what could be done differently?
The work in each country contributes to the broader project goal of improving understanding among IUFRO members, national and international FLR professionals (and beyond) of what progress has been made on FLR implementation in selected landscapes and what opportunities exist for up-scaling. The project will produce the following outputs:
• International Side Event at the XXV IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil (1 October 2019) “Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation – Progress on the Ground” showcasing observations and lessons learnt from selected landscapes assessed in the project. .
• FLR Implementation Snapshot Publication combining the lessons learned from the nine countries involved in the project (published in January 2020) have been published as IUFRO Occasional Paper No. 33 - Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons Learned from Selected Landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Poster Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihoods Partner: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of |
BRAZIL Partner: Embrapa Florestas |
Partner: Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute |
Partner: Forestry Research Institute of Ghana |
Partner: Instituto Privado Investigacion sobre Cambio Climatico, |
Poster Boeny Region Partner: University of Antananarivo |
Partner: National University of Mongolia |
PERU Video - Poster English - Poster Spanish - Report Partner: Programa Bosque Andinos - Helvetas |
Videos for direct viewing |