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The new learning modules developed by ITTO and IUFRO have been crafted to raise awareness among the next generation of professionals, policy- and decision-makers of the vital role that FLR will play in restoring degraded landscapes and contain the latest knowledge on FLR.
FLR is about using holistic approaches to restore ecological functioning of degraded landscapes and – at the same time – creating diverse socio-economic benefits for people living in the landscapes and beyond. But putting it into practice is not so easy. FLR has many dimensions, and educating future generations is crucial for its success.
The new learning modules developed by ITTO and IUFRO draw on publications such as the ITTO Guidelines for Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics; IUFRO's Practitioner’s Guide for Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration; IUFRO’s Occasional Paper No. 33–Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons Learned from Selected Landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America and FAO’s Sustainable Financing for Forest and Landscape Restoration e-course.
The learning modules on forest landscape restoration were developed by experts from ITTO and IUFRO under the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) Joint Initiative on FLR with funding support by the GEF-approved project “Fostering Partnerships to Build Coherence and Support for FLR.”
The modules are available for free! Suggested citation: ITTO-IUFRO FLR learning modules (2021)
Please read the introduction document providing the list of content and recommendations on the use of the learning material.
Module 1:
Principles and guiding elements for forest landscape restoration (FLR) in the tropics
The following institutions and people collaborated on this module:
Institutions: Pacific Island Projects, Papua New Guinea
Contributor: Simon Rollinson
Layout supporter: Shona Smith
Module 2:
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Project Design and Implementation
The following institutions and people collaborated on this module:
Institutions: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Contributors: Dr Andras Darabant, Janice Burns (MSc.), Prof. Dr John A. Stanturf
Layout supporter: Shona Smith
Reviewer: Dr Michael Kleine
Module 3:
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Facilitation and Capacity Development
The following institutions and people collaborated on this module:
Institutions: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Contributors: Dr Andras Darabant, Janice Burns (MSc.), Prof. Dr John A. Stanturf
Layout supporter: Shona Smith
Reviewer: Dr Michael Kleine
Module 4:
Securing Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Finances
The following institutions and people collaborated on this module:
Institution: Institute of Green Economy, India
Contributor: Dr Promode Kant
Layout supporter: Shona Smith
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Practitioner’s Guide for Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration