Strengthening the Capacity of ITTO Producer Countries in Africa in Generating and Disseminating Scientific Information on Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environmental Services from Forests

2-Year Cooperation between ITTO and IUFRO

This project was about supporting ITTO producer countries in Africa to dealing with the challenges of reducing deforestation and enhancing the rehabilitation of degraded tropical forests given that in many African countries there is a strong connection between forest degradation and the inability by decision-makers and society at large to access existing scientific knowledge and innovations that could aid in reversing the numerable negative effects of forest degradation. In an attempt to address this issue and in line with ITTO's objective and Thematic Program on REDDES (Reducing deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing environmental services from forests), the project generated scientific information on specific REDDES pilot areas in Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria, disseminated this information to policy makers and forest practitioners at the national and regional level through science-policy interactions in close cooperation with the African Forest Forum. Regional networking and capacity building was further strengthened by jointly organising a regional forest congress for forest scientists, policy makers and other forest stakeholders, in order to mainstream project results, foster regional cooperation through FORNESSA and AFF, and strengthen the role of ITTO in the African region.

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