23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium - Proceedings

The 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium was hosted by the School of Agricultural Engineering of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEAGRI/ UNICAMP) and the Brazilian Association of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (ABENDI). The symposium was held in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, on September 17-21, 2024. 

This symposium was a forum for those involved in nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/NDE) of wood and brought together many international researchers, NDT/NDE users, suppliers, representatives from various government agencies, and other groups to share research results, products, and technology for evaluating a wide range of wood products, including standing trees, logs, structural lumber, engineered wood products, and wood structures. Networking among participants encouraged international collaborative efforts and fostered the implementation of NDT/NDE technologies around the world. 

The technical content of the 23rd symposium is captured in these proceedings. Full-length, in-depth technical papers for most of the oral presentations and several of the poster presentations, along with abstracts for all the oral and poster presentations, are published herein. Although the authors may have conducted peer reviews for their own papers, the papers were not peer reviewed for the proceedings and are reproduced here as they were submitted by the authors.



23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium

Report by Xiping Wang, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Research Group 5.01.00 Wood and fiber quality; and Raquel Gonçalves, University of