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Will active restoration of Secondary and Degraded Forests (SDFs) help to address sustainably the gap between wood demand and supply? Attend this IUFRO2019 Congress Session to find answers.
Since the 1980s most deforestation globally has occurred in tropical countries. The effects of deforestation have, over time, led to immense areas of secondary and degraded forests. This fall, at the 2019 IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil a session entitled "Will active restoration of Secondary and Degraded Forests (SDFs) help to address sustainably the gap between wood demand and supply?" will examine ways to address the challenge of restoration in secondary and degraded tropical forests.
The session, organized by Dr. Marie Ange Ngo Bieng and Dr. Plinio Sist, of CIRAD (Dr. Sist is also Coordinator of IUFRO's Research Group Tropical and Subtropical Silviculture) and Dr. Bryan Finegan of CATIE, (and Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO's Forest Biodiversity Research Group) will discuss the potential of restoring SDFs as a way to protect the remaining natural tropical forests and also as a way to address the growing gap between wood demand and supply in a sustainable fashion.
More information about the XXV IUFRO World Congress, October 2019, Curitiba, Brazil