Forests for Human Health in Asia - An Expanded Policy Brief

This expanded Policy Brief published by the Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) presents consolidated scientific evidence on the relationship between forests and human health in the Asian region.

The publication titled "Forests for Human Health in Asia. An Expanded Policy Brief" is based on the detailed analysis of information contained in the global assessment report "Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options" (IUFRO World Series Volume 41, March 2023), which was developed in the framework of the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) joint initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). Additional research focusing on Asia was carried out to complement the findings of the global assessment.

IUFRO Units involved

World Series

World Series Vol. 41 - Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options

The Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Human Health chaired by Cecil Konijnendijk, prepared a scientific assessment report and an accompanying policy brief launched

Media Release

New Asia Policy Brief Calls for Better Integration of Health Benefits of Forests

There is a lack of awareness in Asia and elsewhere of the vital relationship between forests and human health.It is crucial that decision-makers in both