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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
IUFRO's Sustainable Forest Biomass Network Task Force sets out to explore the potentials and risks of further development of biomass – specifically biomass from forests – with special emphasis on climate change aspects.
Renewable resources are critical to the sustainable future of our planet. That means biomass is being looked on, in many ways, as a potential game-changer.
Biomass is also a key element of global attempts to mitigate climate change. Since the last IPCC report it became clear that the 2°C target requires more active carbon sequestration strategies (such as negative emissions, or bioenergy with carbon storage), that can be realized by utilizing biomass with a subsequent long-term storage of carbon (e.g. in final products).
In this context, the IUFRO Task Force objective is to build on this success and initiate a global network of forest experts in the field of forest biomass in order to share state-of the art knowledge and expertise across scientific disciplines including natural science as well as social science and policy.
Learn more about the Task Force!