IUFRO Spotlight #59 - Shifting forest development discourses

A Special Issue of the International Forestry Review developed by IUFRO-WFSE takes a closer look at forestry discourses, and specifically how they have affected forest-based development.

The papers in the Special Issue on "Shifting global development discourses - Implications for forests and livelihoods" reflect changes in societal demands on forests and forest landscapes, changes in how multiple constituencies compete for forest goods and services (forest ecosystem services), and how these changes are influencing forest governance and policies in multiple international, national, sub-national and local contexts.

"The Special Issue was developed by the IUFRO Special Project World Forest, Society and Environment (WFSE), and within this project we focus on issues important in the forests-society interface. The project aims to support sustainable forest-based development by producing and synthesizing scientific knowledge about these issues," said Dr. Pia Katila of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and coordinator of IUFRO-WFSE. Dr. Katila is also one of the contributors to the Special Issue.

The Special Issue of the International Forestry Review can be found at

More about Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE)


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Special Issue

Shifting global development discourses - Implications for forests and livelihoods

This Special Issue in the International Forestry Review brings together 12 papers and an Editorial. It focuses on forest development discourses while taking into consideration