Occasional Paper No. 14 - Forest Terminology: Living Expert Knowledge How to Get Society to Understand Forest Terminology

Abstract: "As a follow-up of the successful Workshop on Multilingualism and Expert Co-operation in Forest Terminology (MEXFT98), IUFROs Working Party 6.03.02 Trends in forest terminology and the SilvaVoc Project on multilingual forest terminology jointly organized a Group Session at the IUFRO World Congress 2000 in Kuala Lumpur. The first part of this issue of the IUFRO Occasional Paper series contains the presentations given at the IUFRO World Congress. The papers address issues of forest terminology, technical terms and definitions in relation to societal change, education, decision-making and their use by politicians. Better communication of terms and definitions is presented in a proposal of a multilingual forest terminology database designed for western and non-western languages. The second part relates to the diversity of forest terminology and shows some examples of terminological activities related to the meaning of the English forest management as against the German concept of Forsteinrichtung. An expert compilation of forest genetic resources terms and its translation into a practical web-application and a summary of ongoing activities of Working Unit 6.03.02, including new activities initiated at the Congress, are also presented. The annexes contain a compilation of definitions related to terminology, a questionnaire on terminological activities and cooperation, and short guidelines for terminology work in forestry."