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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
"The paper starts out with a brief outline on the main characteristics of family forestry in Europe. Globalisation and changing socio- demographic patterns are amongst the most demanding challenges for developing sound and long-term orientated framework conditions for forest economy. Forest owners manage the most promising and multifunctional natural resource of the 21st century and they should be encouraged to continue their engagement and provide their expertise and holistic thinking to future generations. Society needs to value forest owners as partners in achieving sustainable development. With the sustainable production of timber they form the basis for producing wood and wood-based products for individual lifestyles. The forest owners´ commitment to multifunctional sustainable forest management creates in the best possible way added value through non-market goods and services. Research needs to contribute to innovative solutions that capitalize on the unique opportunities offered by sustainable forest management and the production of wood and non-wood products."