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A symposium organized jointly by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations and the Chinese Academy of Forestry.
"The papers presented at the Beijing Symposium present some of the work being done by the Task Forces. In addition, the opportunity has been taken to gather and present some information form the policy-makers themselves. Some selected regional assessments of research needs have also been presented. Together, these papers provide an overview of some of the more controversial and topical areas of forest science, and provide some hints as to where the interests of policy makers will lie in the future. Given the rapid increase in the importance of the Peoples’ Republic of China in the global forest products industry, and the increasing importance given by the Chinese Government to the role of forests in environmental improvement, it is particularly appropriate that this meeting should have been held in Beijing. I would like to thank our colleagues in the Chinese Academy of Forestry for co-hosting the symposium and for undertaking all the arrangements for what proved to be a very successful day."