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This study published by IUFRO on behalf of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) showcases the results of long-term and large-scale research. It was launched on 28 August 2018 at the Global Landscapes Forum Nairobi, Kenya. The publication outlines several case studies in forest and landscape restoration as nations around the world recognize the economic benefits that investing in restoration brings.
"It's clear that there is a growing movement for large-scale landscape restoration," Erik Solheim, head of UN Environment said. "All our international partner organizations working in this field agree it's now time to significantly scale up this work. There is clear potential for an area of 350 million hectares of degraded land to be restored by 2030, something that gives a huge boost to the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and poverty. It's essential that we mobilize and seize this opportunity."
IUFRO is an active member of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) and as such contributes to the partnership with expertise, policies and projects. The Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration outlines how we can reach the 2020 and 2030 targets and how we can best collaborate, using regional and global platforms.
Besseau, P., Graham, S. and Christophersen, T. (eds.), 2018. Restoring forests and landscapes: the key to a sustainable future. Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration, Vienna, Austria. ISBN No: 978-3-902762-97-9
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