Shifting global development discourses - Implications for forests and livelihoods

This Special Issue in the International Forestry Review brings together 12 papers and an Editorial. It focuses on forest development discourses while taking into consideration broader development, climate change and conservation discourses. The papers place special attention on the drivers that lead to the emergence of the forest discourses and how they are reflected in forest policy, administration, management and forest development support.

The Special Issue confirms that forest development discourses are diverse, changing, and allow for the exploration of new options and opportunities for forest development initiatives. Each of the forest development discourses have clear linkages with major societal and environmental issues and thus with higher level meta- or even macro-discourses. The papers provide rich insights into current forest development thinking, and also into how this thinking is transmitted and shared. The papers also offer some glimpses into how contemporary forest development discourses influence what multiple actors do to regulate, administer and implement forest development.

IUFRO Spotlights
27 Jun 2018

IUFRO Spotlight #59 - Shifting forest development discourses

A Special Issue of the International Forestry Review developed by IUFRO-WFSE takes a closer look at forestry discourses, and specifically how they have affected forest-based