World Series Vol. 41 - Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options

The Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Human Health chaired by Cecil Konijnendijk, prepared a scientific assessment report and an accompanying policy brief launched on 21 March 2023, International Day of Forests. 


A total of 44 scientists and experts have contributed to this peer-reviewed assessment, with a core Expert Panel of 16 scientists with diverse expertise, including forestry, ecology, landscape design, psychology, medicine, epidemiology and public health.


The primary global policy context for this assessment is shaped by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report specifically highlights the nexus between SDG 3 on good health and well-being and SDG 15 on life on land, as well as relevant links to other SDGs.

IUFRO Units involved

Policy Briefs

Forests for Human Health in Asia - An Expanded Policy Brief

This expanded Policy Brief published by the Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) presents consolidated scientific evidence on the

Media Release
Media Coverage

Media coverage of report on Forests and Trees for Human Health in Der Standard and Forstzeitung

The Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Human Health chaired by Cecil Konijnendijk, prepared a scientific assessment report and an accompanying policy brief launched