World Series Vol. 42 - Europe's Wood Supply In Disruptive Times

Forests in Europe are strongly affected by climate change and face many additional challenges, such as political uncertainties and a fragmented forest landscape. A key challenge for Europe is to secure, maintain and enhance the sustainable supply of wood from its forest ecosystems. To address this, a deep understanding of the factors impacting wood supply is needed as well as concrete response measures building on a strong evidence base. This synthesis report provides scientific insights and expert knowledge on these issues for all stakeholders of the forest value chain and the wood-based sector.

Link to study launch webinar:

Report, policy brief and factsheet also available at:


TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS was founded in 2021 by IUFRO and Mondi and has established a professional network of 100+ scientists, business representatives and policymakers along the forest value chain since then. The platform aims to translate globally available scientific findings into practical response options for the wood-based sector; offer a meeting point for regular interaction, knowledge exchange and mutual learning; and actively share outcomes and facilitate discussion on the future of forest goods and services. The platform aims to include new partners in the future.

Visit the website:

IUFRO Units involved

Policy Briefs
14 Mar 2024

Business Brief - Europe's wood supply in disruptive times. Business brief of the synthesis report.

This business brief provides an overview of factors influencing wood supply from European forests and gives specific response options by which the wood-based industry can

Policy Briefs
14 Mar 2024

Factsheet "Europe's wood supply in disruptive times"

This factsheet provides key messages of the IUFRO World Series 42 "Europe's wood supply in disruptive times".The report outlines the impacts of climate change and