About the Research Group

The Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group is an interdisciplinary organization of researchers from boreal, temperate and tropical forest regions working on all aspects of uneven-aged silviculture including economic, ecological, forest health, social, climate change and many others.


Uneven-aged silviculture is the intentional management of forest stands to include multiple age classes of trees.  The Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group facilitates interaction among researchers studying the dynamics and management of uneven-aged forests and researchers working on related natural resource problems.  A resurgent interest in uneven-aged silviculture is occurring all over the world as it is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to even-aged systems where concerns over aesthetics, resilience to climate change, wildlife management, or maintenance of continuous cover predominate.  Because uneven-aged silviculture is of interest for so many management objectives and being studied by researchers from so many different disciplines, the Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group actively seeks to create and promote a cooperative network of researchers from a braod range of disciplines.

Research being shared among the Research Group is as diverse as its participants.  However, a few themes have emerged: 1) study sites for the Research Group are inclusive of stands with multiple age classes or cohorts, single- or mixed-species, and collectively these stand structures are referred to as "complex stand structures”; and 2) there are common issues related to managing these complex structures that occur in boreal, temperate and tropical forests.  It is these themes that unite the group and make it one of the most active research groups in IUFRO.  

Research Group Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
United States
Deputy Coordinator

Past Research Group Events

Research Group Resources