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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
The Non-Wood Forest Products Group covers all aspects of the wide variety of non-timber products found in forests around the world, and works to promote the discovery, development, and wise use of these resources. This Group includes research on medicinal and aromatic plants, edible plant products and forest fungi, resins and gums, and many other products important for rural people and industries.
Forests capture more solar energy than any other terrestrial ecosystem. That energy is used to produce the wood of trees, as well as a vast array of materials found in the shedding parts of trees (leaves, fruits, nuts, bark, exudates, and sap). Some of these materials can be directly harvested and used by simple techniques; others exist in minute amounts and require the most advanced technology to produce the desired product In quantity. Research in the Unit spans from developing sustainable harvesting techniques to resource governance and production networks.
Major goals of the Research Group are:
The Research Group and its Working Parties are pleased to welcome new members. We encourage everyone with an interest in non-wood forest products research to become involved and to actively participate. Contact the Coordinators to learn more about Group activities.
Comprehensive assessment by U.S. Forest Service concludes that non-timber forest products need the same recognition that is given to other natural resources; findings can be
IUFRO 2014 World Congress session aims to encourage forest managers to include forest-derived foods and medicines, as well as timber, in their planning, policies and