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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
Wood products are an important part of today’s culture and thus wood products are an integral part of IUFRO since the Working Party concerns the foundations of how people learn about and use wood products.
Wood Culture is an interdisciplinary research area which provides a better understanding of the use and social aspects of wood from a cultural perspective. Research in Wood Culture improves people's relationship with nature and opens new ways to understand wood from an economic, environmental, and social value perspective.
Research areas emphasized by the Wood Culture Working Party:
Wood Culture plans to have research papers submitted to IUFRO Division 5 and World Congress Meetings and to develop a network of people interested in wood culture.
The objective of this unit is to provide a interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas related to the foundation, application, and practices of wood culture and to provide applicable approaches to both research and everyday life.
Wood Culture will be linked to 9.03.02 Forest Culture and 5.11.00 Non-wood Forest Products.
Wood products have been used historically since the early history of mankind. Research has focused on properties of products, improved utility, sources for energy, reconstituted novel products, and preservation of wooden heritage.
The way individual people and entire cultures relate to wood products needs to be examined more carefully to get the full benefit of wood products to society.
Research in forest products culture looks, among other things, at how the use of wood and non-wood forest products has changed over time. It