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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
This group of international researchers (recently renumbered from 8.01.11 to 8.03.06) focuses on the mechanics of wind interactions with trees, the biology of acclimative growth, and the ecological impacts of wind on forest ecosystems. Our members work together on collaborative projects, many of which focus on the development of process models for tree and stand-level windthrow risk prediction. We hold a three-day conference every 4 to 5 years. The purpose of this Unit is to promote knowledge exchange and collaborative interactions.
Group members have developed non-spatial mechanistic windthrow risk models for uniform-structured stands, and tree-level models of tree-behaviour under load. Hot topics include: characterizing wind flow over complex terrain and through forest canopies; incorporating spatial and structural complexity in windthrow risk models; developing biomechanical models of acclimative growth; and characterizing ecosystem responses to recurring wind disturbances.
The list of topics under investigation includes:
Save the date for the 11th Wind and Trees ConferenceMatsumoto, Nagano, Japan14-18 September 2026of IUFRO Working Party 8.03.06 - Impact of wind on forests which focuses