9.01.02 - Communication and public relations


NEW: Communicating Forest Science Manual 2024

Over the last decade, significant change has occurred. Rapid technological innovation, shifting global dynamics and geopolitics, a worldwide pandemic, and a fracturing and reconstructing of communication approaches. Artificial intelligence, misinformation campaigns, podcasting, social media, and a recognition of the importance of science communication have all evolved. 

The previous 2014 Communicating Forest Science Manual was innovative for its time. Communicating effectively about forest science seemed more important than ever then and still does today. The role of forests in addressing the global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health issues are critical to convey. As populations move more to urban areas, keeping people connected to forests, and informed on forest science are of continued importance. 

We used the 2014 Manual as a basis for this new one – keeping the ‘evergreen’ chapters on topics such as communication strategies, but giving them a fresh look. We revamped the chapters on media engagement and social media – disciplines that saw drastic changes over the last decade. There is a wealth of new content in this edition, including a chapter on forest psychology and fresh perspectives on best practices illustrated through case studies.

This 2024 Communicating Forest Science Manual  will only be available in an online format – to allow it to be a living document, where hyperlinks can be updated and added and content modified based on the current context.



New manual on communicating forest science - call for volunteers

Building upon the popular 'Communicating Forest Science' manual published almost a decade ago, the IUFRO Working Party on Communications and Public Relations has set to revisit this precious resource to make it aligned with the latest trends. The new manual aims at equipping scientists and science communicators with knowledge on communication theory and practice. Drawing upon the digital tools, the revamped manual will be exclusively available online thus giving possibilities to easily link to external resources, embed other digital materials like podcasts and videos and finally make it a living resource to be updated as needed. 

The team is looking for additional volunteers to produce the revamped manual in time for the IUFRO Congress in June 2024. Ideally, candidates would come from within the IUFRO network or are experienced forest science communicators who know IUFRO. If you are interested, please contact Ewa Hermanowicz, the Working Party leader at <e.hermanowicz@fsc.org>. We particularly encourage applications from members from the Global South.

To receive further updates on this topic, we encourage you to subscribe to the IUFRO Working Party on Communications and Public Relations mailing list


Communicating Forest Science

Editors: Cynthia L. Miner, Yasmeen Sands, Hugo Pierre
IUFRO Communications & Public Relations Working Party and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC).
Vienna, Austria. 2014, 185 p.

Download the electronic version of the Manual (in pdf format).


IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress; Freiburg, Germany

- "Connecting People to Forest Science: Innovative Communication Approaches for Delivering Science"; 20 September 2017; Session flyer.
- "Communicating with Einstein - About Forest Facts, Feelings and Fake News"; 20 September 2017; Sub-plenary session organized by the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicator’s Network and IUFRO


JOINT FOREST COMMUNICATORS MEETING - Request for Presentation Proposals

Presentations proposals are invited for the JOINT FOREST COMMUNICATORS MEETING, organized by the IUFRO Communications & Public Relations Working Party & the UN FAO-ECE Forest Communicators Network. Proposals should be submitted by 4 April 2016. For details and a submission form, please see http://www.iufro.org/download/file/22917/4723/portland16-call-presentation-proposals_pdf/.