About SciPol

The Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) of IUFRO provides a mechanism for effectively mobilizing scientific expertise and information to equip governments, intergovernmental processes, and other decision makers with solid knowledge for making decisions that affect forests, trees, and land use regionally and globally.

Policymakers need objective and coherent scientific information to better understand and evaluate the contribution of forests and trees to the achievement of global policy goals, including the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. #ScienceAndTreesForSDGs 


The Science-Policy Programme (SciPol)

  • facilitates IUFRO’s input and representation in regional and global science-policy forums
  • follows the activities of the international policy processes most relevant to forests and trees
  • consolidates relevant scientific knowledge to contribute to these processes
  • prepares independent, peer-reviewed scientific assessments and policy briefs


Programme components


IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme consolidates available information and expertise on key forest-related issues, supporting more informed decision-making. This information is communicated through peer-reviewed scientific assessments, policy briefs and stakeholder events. The Programme consists of different work streams, including the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative, follow-up studies, regional activities and the Regional Science-Policy Networks.

SciPol news


CPW Committed to Advancing Sustainable Wildlife Management Through Strategic Cooperation

On 3 March, World Wildlife Day 2025, the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) - a coalition of thirteen international organizations – published a joint statement


Strengthening Regional Science-Policy Information Networks (SPIN)

Building on the experience of the former Special Programme Directors' Forum, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has initiated a co-development process with


Welcoming Mirjana Volarev, a new colleague with new tasks, at IUFRO Headquarters

Mirjana Volarev joined the IUFRO HQ team on November 18th as a Project Manager within the Science-Policy Programme. In this role, she will support the

IUFRO delegation in Baku (from left): Alexander Buck, Carola Egger, Nelson Grima IUFRO

Emphasizing the Role of Forests in Tackling Climate Change

IUFRO at the COP29 Forest PavilionThis year's UN Climate Change Summit COP29 from November 11 to 22 in Baku, Azerbaijan, set out on delivering more


Who decides on forest matters?

The key messages of SciPol’s latest assessment on International Forest Governance were brought up in an interview at the Forest Pavilion during UNFCCC COP29.IUFRO’s Science-Policy

Christoph Wildburger, Viola Belohrad, Nelson Grima (from left) IUFRO

Reflecting on the Human-Environment Relationship: Highlights from IUFRO's participation at CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia

IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) participated in the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16), held from 21 October to 1 November


Progress on the GFEP Assessment on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience

Report by Viola Belohrad, IUFRO Sci-PolGiven the increasingly rapid, unpredictable, and unprecedented global changes linked to the twin climate change and biodiversity crises, IUFRO´s Science-Policy


New SciPol Coordinator: Nelson Grima follows Christoph Wildburger

After more than 13 years heading first the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme and then its successor, the Science-Policy Programme, Christoph Wildburger steps down

The core activity of SciPol are global reports and accompanying policy briefs on key issues that reflect state-of-the-art understanding of the subject matter. They are written in a comprehensible way for policy makers, stakeholders and the interested broader public. The publications are prepared by thematic Expert Panels consisting of internationally recognized scientific experts in their fields. All global studies undergo rigorous peer review. The authors and reviewers of the studies are selected by the IUFRO coordination team. Topics are chosen based on the information needs of intergovernmental processes and institutions.

Science-Policy Programme Coordinator
Science-Policy Programme Project Manager
Project Management and Translation Services
Senior Advisor
Coordinator PR and Communication, Publications and Translation
WoodPoP Coordinator and Lead Project Manager
Project Manager

Donors and partners


The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) were launched in April 2007, as a joint initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). Since then, the initiative has grown into the Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) and is led and coordinated by IUFRO. It builds on the political recognition provided by the United Nations Forum on Forests in the ECOSOC Resolution 2006/49. SciPol started as "Joint CPF initiative on Forest Science and Technology" and was later renamed.