Publications and references


Gender analysis of IUFRO  - 20 June 2024

Other References

Frauen in der Forstwirtschaft in den Berg- und Walddörfern der Türkei 1959 - 2009 / Women in Forestry in the Forest- and Mountain Villages of Turkey 1959 - 2009. Elisabeth Johann (ed.); Wien, 2023. ISBN No. 978-3-200-09227-3. PDF for download  


Forests in Women's Hands - International Conference on Women in Forestry 2020; online from Traunkirchen, Austria; 12-13 April 2021. 
- Proceedings:
- Watch video recording:
- IFSA interview with Task Force Coordinator Gun Lidestav on (Un)Doing Gender at Forests in Women’s Hands 2021:
- Event landing page:

Send comments to Gun Lidestav (Task Force Coordinator)