Alexander Buck

IUFRO's support to forest science in economically disadvantaged countries is implemented via the Special Programme for Development of Capacities (in short IUFRO-SPDC). Its mission is "to expand and foster forest research capacity in economically disadvantaged countries".

IUFRO-SPDC addresses topics bridging science, policy and practice in workshops and thematic networking activities. Enhancing forest-related science-policy interactions and interdisciplinary methods for improving land use, IUFRO-SPDC contributes to broader economic, environmental and social development objectives such as poverty alleviation, improvement of livelihood of rural people and their access to resources, environmental protection and the sustainable utilisation of forests.


IUFRO-SPDC activities cover the following priority areas: 

  • Enhancing core scientific competence;
  • Improving information management and dissemination
  • Enhancing the contribution of science to policy and practice;
  • Promoting communication and multi-stakeholder learning processes,




IUFRO-SPDC's Main Areas of Activity

Upcoming Events


Webinar: Using causal inference to disentangle forest disturbance interactions under climate change

18 February 2025, 6.00 pm CET / 5.00 pm UTCSpeaker: Dr. Joan DudneyJoan is an assistant professor at UC Santa Barbara in the Bren School

Units 11-12 Feb 2025

Webinar: Empower Women in Science: Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Division 7 is excited to invite you to join us in celebrating the 2025 International Day of Women and Girls in Science through a global IUFRO webinar event taking


Precision Forestry Symposium - Precision in Forest Operations and Wood Supply

Themes to be discussedOptimization & SimulationMachine Learning / AIApplications for Remote and Proximal SensingForest Machine Data Handling and InterpretationRobotics and Unmanned PlatformsGeographic Information Technologies and

Units 21-22 Jan 2025

Intercropped plantation and doubling of farmer’s income

Agroforestry is a sustainable land use agricultural practice which combines growing trees and agricultural crops including Medicinal and Aromatic plants and other Non-timber Forest Products

Units 11-12 Dec 2024

The Second International Young Scientist Forum: Bamboo Resources in a Changing Climate

The Second International Young Scientist Forum with the broader theme of bamboo resources in a changing climate is a two-day hybrid event organized by the


Webinar: Let's Talk About Planted Forests: Innovation & Technology Solutions in Forestry - Adapting to Climate Change - Managing Invasive Pests - A France-New Zealand Webinar

The French and New Zealand forestry sectors face similar challenges, including adapting to climate change and managing invasive pests. With high-quality research and innovation capabilities,


V Congreso Internacional Agroforestal y Forestal Patagónico (CIAP)  – II Congreso Forestal Patagónico (CFP)

Agroforestry Systems and Forests: Proposals for the Ecological and Productive Restoration of the Patagonian LandscapeThe 5th Patagonian Agroforestry Congress and 2nd Patagonian Forestry Congress held


Webinar: Forest dynamics under global change: temporal perspectives with observational approaches

Speaker: Dr. Paloma Ruiz Benito, Universidad del AlcaláForest dynamics include a wide variety of demographic processes though the life cycle of trees, from dispersion and

Workshop session with speaker and audience Workshop

Workshop on Forest Genetic Common Gardens

In November 2024, the IUFRO Unit 2.02.13 Breeding and Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Conifers organized a hybrid Workshop on Forest Genetic Common Gardens in Madrid,


Webinar: The impact of extreme drought on Australian forests and Woodlands

Speaker: Prof. Brendan Choat, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University.Severe droughts have caused widespread tree mortality across many forest biomes with profound impacts



Save the Date – Public Lecture at BOKU University by Michael Kleine

Save the Date – Public Lecture at BOKU University by Michael KleineDear colleague, We are pleased to invite you to a special public lecture to be


Monthly Forest Restoration Talks: Human Dimensions of Forest Landscape Restoration

Targeting researchers, practitioners, NGOs, policymakers and other interested stakeholders. The IUFRO/SUPERB Monthly Forest Restoration Talks investigate forest restoration questions from diverse scientific perspectives. 


Launch of World Series Vol. 44 on Global Teak Resources and Market Assessment 2022

The latest update on teak resources and markets - carried out with the support of IUFRO's network of scientists and TEAKNET experts - was launched


SAP for the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden

Under IUFRO-SPDC's Scientist Assistance Programme for IUFRO World Congress participation a total of 106 scientists from 47 different countries were selected to receive the support


SPDC Pre-Congress Workshops at IUFRO World Congress 2024

At the latest IUFRO World Congress 2024, in Stockholm, Sweden, IUFRO-SPDC's Pre-Congress Workshop week featured three Workshops.

Past Activities

William Harvey

Explore the milestones, events and outputs of previous IUFRO-SPDC activities emerging from collaboration with various partners, donors and IUFRO members. Visit here for recent and archived materials.


Past Projects and Activities


IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities is managed by a small group of people working at the IUFRO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

SPDC Coordinator
Senior Advisor
Project Management and Translation Services
Finances and Controlling