Become a member
Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
IUFRO's support to forest science in economically disadvantaged countries is implemented via the Special Programme for Development of Capacities (in short IUFRO-SPDC). Its mission is "to expand and foster forest research capacity in economically disadvantaged countries".
IUFRO-SPDC addresses topics bridging science, policy and practice in workshops and thematic networking activities. Enhancing forest-related science-policy interactions and interdisciplinary methods for improving land use, IUFRO-SPDC contributes to broader economic, environmental and social development objectives such as poverty alleviation, improvement of livelihood of rural people and their access to resources, environmental protection and the sustainable utilisation of forests.
IUFRO-SPDC activities cover the following priority areas:
Past Activities
Explore the milestones, events and outputs of previous IUFRO-SPDC activities emerging from collaboration with various partners, donors and IUFRO members. Visit here for recent and archived materials.
IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities is managed by a small group of people working at the IUFRO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria.