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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
Environmental change and biodiversity degradation have a big impact on the dispersion of infectious human diseases, but at the same time forest environment can be an enormous asset in improving the health conditions of human communities. To facilitate the on-going debate on the interplay of forests and human health IUFRO has launched a Task Force on Forests and Human Health, ForHealth.
The Task Force has two main objectives:
To these aims the Task Force has set up a Task Force Portal where additional information can be found and uploaded.
Click here to learn more about the rationale of the Task Force and its suggested terms of reference.
Forests provide a wide range of ecosystem goods and services beneficial to human life, both in urbanized and rural areas. These include food and herbs,
IUFRO 2014 World Congress session aims to encourage forest managers to include forest-derived foods and medicines, as well as timber, in their planning, policies and