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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
In recent years, changes in the forest-based sector, combined with evolving demands from society, have led to new trends in forest education globally. Those developments are reflected in the labor market as well as in the expectations of students for a greater diversity of experiences and skills. In addition, institutional environments for research and education have changed.
Programs educating about forest and wood as a resource are inherently changed towards multidisciplinary programs. Real life solutions for problems like climate change call for holistic and cross-sectoral approaches. Universities curricula need to meet diverse higher demands, and new ways to approach these tasks have to be found.
Forest education has been insufficiently addressed in existing international efforts so far. The collaborative effort between IUFRO and IFSA will provide information in this field of research. This will not only strengthen the education on forests and practices, but also highlights ways to make the sector attractive for young people again.
Targets, goals and objectives