About the Task Force

Rationale, goals and objectives

Forests play an integral role in the supply of clean water for a range of uses, and also have critical interactions with climate. Much of the world's freshwater is provided through forested catchments and forests protect soil, water quality, flow regime and aquatic systems. Better managing forests and water will, directly and indirectly, support all 17 UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  recent global assessment [1] on forests and water demonstrates that forests and water must be assessed and managed in an integrated way at all spatial and temporal scales.

This Task Force will build and strengthen the global and regional research networks around forests and water interactions. The key goal is to support sustainable forest management for enhancing water-based ecosystem services and meet the UN 2030 SDGs through developing coherent management responses that build on this improved understanding and evidence of forest and water interactions in a changing environment. In addition, it will refine existing, and explore new strategies to manage forests and water interactions.    

[1] I.F. Creed, M. van Noordwijk (eds.), 2018. "Forest and water on a changing planet: Vulnerability, adaptation and governance opportunities." A Global Assessment Report, IUFRO World Series Volume 38. Vienna.

The objectives of the Task Force are to: 

  1. Develop global and regional networks of forest and water researchers and research organizations.
  2. Examine the effects of forest management, afforestation and reforestation at local and regional scales on forest and water interactions, and other ecological services and their trade-offs.
  3. Examine the interactions and feedbacks of forests and water in a broad context that considers impacts of and on climate variability and change, emerging climate change mitigation strategies and markets, and adaptive forest and water management.
  4. Evaluate the interaction between science and related policy responses concerning declining water values in forested areas, global forest decline, and inter-related climate and landscape scale forest disturbance impacts.
  5. Provide an international focus on and leadership for forest and water interactions.
  6. Interact with global policy agencies (e.g., FAO) and major environmental treaty organizations and institutions (e.g., UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD, IPBES, Future Earth), and provide direct information to stakeholders and decision makers.
  7. Work closely with other IUFRO Task Forces and Divisions to bridge science, forest management and policy.

The approach of this Task Force is:

  1. Organize specialized workshops and sessions at existing and future meetings or conferences. These will examine different themes related to forests and water. The most important one is the 6th IUFRO International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment in Beijing in 2025 that will examine forest-water relations at multiple spatial and temporal scales.  
  2. Promote collaborations across different IUFRO Task Forces and Divisions through joint workshops, publications and educational programs.   
  3. Publish the papers from the organized workshops either as review articles or as special issues in forestry and ecohydrology journals.

Task Force Representatives

Task Force Coordinator
Task Force Deputy Coordinator
Task Force Deputy Coordinator

Past Task Force Events


FAO-IUFRO Webinar Series, Webinar 3: Practical Tools for Managing Forest-Water Nexus

Resource managers require effective tools to support their planning and decision-making processes in managing the forest-water relationship. In this webinar, we will synthesize hydrological modelling


FAO-IUFRO Webinar Series, Webinar 2: Forest-Water Management under Climate Change

Climate change has profoundly affected the forest-water relationship. How we can manage our forests for water under climate change impacts is becoming an urgent and


FAO-IUFRO Webinar Series, Webinar 1: Forest management for protection of hydrological functions

This webinar will focus on key forest management practices including thinning, harvesting and restoration, summarize their hydrological impacts, and discuss how forest operations and planning

Task Force Resources

IUFRO Spotlights

IUFRO Spotlight #86 – Analyzing the complicated forest-water relationship

IUFRO Task Force aims to fill research gaps regarding forests/forest carbon, climate and water interactions and their effects on forest water use, water supply and