ICFRE-IUFRO Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration

There is an urgent need to address land degradation and the climate crisis. This online workshop aimed at exchanging a wide range of experiences with implementing FLR in India and South Asia to learn from each other and find opportunities to upscale efforts to restore degraded lands and transition to more sustainable land use as part of a green and circular economy. IUFRO’s role was to bring to the table not only the best science but also practical experiences on forest landscape restoration implementation from all over the world and discuss such approaches with Indian scientists and experts.

The 4-day workshop addressed the following major forest landscape restoration (FLR) aspects:

  • FLR - Interventions into Social-ecological Systems
  • FLR - Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • FLR - Reclaiming and Rehabilitating Ex-mining Areas
  • FLR - Financing and Building Capacities